Wednesday, January 4, 2012

do as I say...not how they do.

Proverbs 25:21-22 (CEV) "If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat. And if they are thirsty, give them something to drink. This will be the same as piling burning coals on their heads. And the LORD will reward you."

How often do you let others opinions on what you should do, affect our judgement?  How many life decisions have you allowed others to influence?  When was the last time you did something simply because, it was the RIGHT thing to do?  When was the last time you prayed for someone who has wronged you?  Or do you continue the negativity to save face with others?

People will say and do lots of things for the sake of "being real."  The thought of losing their credibility in the "realness" catergory, for some, can be detrimental to their image.  Im sure that with very little effort, you can identify someone who purposely is negative and contributes it to "keepin it 100."  Somewhere down this journey of life, we will have contact and interaction with someone who will hurt us.  Rather it be intentional or accidental, its an inevitable and painful realization to deal with. 

While we can not control what OTHERS do, say, think, or feel; we can control OUR responses.  Typing from experience, this is SOOOOOO much easier said then done.  Be honest, we all have had to use that old, "Im gonna get you, for getting me...but worse" card, a time or two.  The thought of being degraded, disrespected, unappreciated, and misused and doing nothing about it; is a hard pill to swallow.  No one willingly wants to be the object of someone elses ridicule and torment; so we take the necessary steps to protect ourselves.  Little do we realize, the same thing we are use to protect the same thing that will cause harm.  Think about the last time you "proved your point" to someone.  Did you smile with pride on how you handled it? Or did you grimace in shame about your behavior?

After the harm has been done, now comes a period of redemption.  Not only do we have to orchestrate our grand "payback" scheme, but we have to decipher our friends, acquintances, or family's opinions about our actions.  Heaven forbid that someone who does not contribute ANY positivity in our life, think that we are weak. 


Acceptance from others and seeking revenge has become one of lifes BIGGEST downfalls.  No one wants to be known as a punk, so we choose to hurt those who hurt us.  No one wants to pray for God have mercy and grace for those that despise us, so we choose to take matters in our own hands. It has become socially acceptable to be rude, heartless, and cruel for the sake of "keeping it real." We have forgotten how Christ has instructed us to handle one another.  We have let the fear of being isolated and ridiculed force us into a cycle of negativity. 

*Point to Ponder*  Since it has become a societal norm to lack common courtesy, respect and dignity...why not do the opposite?  The old cliche is true that "hurting people, hurt people." Have you ever stopped to think who will be the person to show them that growth and healing are obtainable?  The next time someone purposely hurts you...take the time to ask God what is it in their life that causes them to act so negatively.  Take the energy they are using to produce madness to create a platform for Christ to reveal his love.  

You will never lose, if you follow His instructions  Being peculiar has its rewards. ;)

Blessings Weirdos!
K <3

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why be Perfectly Peculiar?

Perfect: entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings. accurate, exact, or correct in every detail.

Peculiar: distinctive in nature or character from others. belonging exclusively to a person, group or thing.

Sometimes in life it just seems to be easier to pretend. Every now and again, we all have moments that we wish werent ours to endure. We will have times that we wish everything in our lives were just...normal. No matter how hard one tries, conforming to whats "normal" is virtually impossible. In an attempt to gain acceptance, people will change every aspect of their lives to please others. Most often times those we try so desperately to impress, add to value to our lives. Somewhere along our life's journey we adapted the concept that in order to have any value, we have to be what others want us to be. Well personally...I think that concept majorly SUCKS!

We are created with a plethora of differences that influence every aspect of our lives. They undoubtingly make us who we are. These differences range from the unwelcomed and distasteful to the amazing and extraordinary. Our thought processing and daily interactions are constantly affected by these variances. Yet, we never take the time to embrace and appreciate the very things that contribute to the blueprint of our lives.

Have you ever stopped to wonder...what has made me different? Have you ever considered what your life would be like if you NEVER endured what challenges and victories have come your way? Would you still be who you are, if you kept pretending to be someone else? Have you ever thought that your peculiarities are what makes you perfect?

You owe it to yourself to embrace everything that makes you different and use it as a catalyst to your future. You deserve to be able to accept your flaws and appreciate the lessons they teach you. It is time to accept that the things that others may call peculiar is what makes you perfect.

Being "Perfectly Peculiar" is a journey that allows for growth, maturity, and acceptance of all that separates from the next individual. "Perfectly Peculiar" is a time of celebration of those things should have lead to our demise, but have become songs of victory and triumphant.

You were created with the ability to endure all that you will ever encounter. Rejoice in those things that have made you, Perfectly Peculiar!


enter 2012: minus the insanity and cancer free.

A New Year is upon us, 2012 is here! New chances, new trials, new opportunities, new challenges, a reset button if you will, for this thing called Life. Around every December people the world over begin to make up cute little rhymes that serve as a mantra to follow for the next 365 days. You know the kind, "Ill Win, in 2010" or "Headed to Heaven, in 2011." This new year serves as no exception; someone, somewhere has their mantra on mental repeat in hopes that THIS year will be different.

It seems a bit odd for one to continue to make resolutions, but almost never succeed in making them a reality. The first time a challenge or road block rears its head, the tails tuck and the towels are thrown in. After that moment of setback, the proverbial domino effect soon follows. Before you know it, you are back to old habits, similar behaviors, and familiar negative thinking. Who would have thought that striving for positivity and productivity would be so difficult.

Einstein defined insanity as, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Isn't that what we do each and every December 31st in hopes that our new years resolution is not just another failed attempt? The question we must ask ourselves is, "what is keeping me from reaching whatever goals I set for my new year?!" Is there something or someone in our life that makes us relive this insanity each year? 

For the first time EVER in life, I decided that I wanted to write out my resolutions and make them visible.  I made 4 reasonable and seasonable goals for myself to accomplish over the next 363 days.  As I complete one goal, I have allowed myself permission to make more.  I know that in order to reach these goals it will take determination, positivity, and diligence. I also have to remember that transitions take time and its okay if one goal isn't reached over the next week. 

You cant make effective life changes without eliminating toxic people and behaviors from your life.  Take time over the next year to biopsy all the people and things in your life that aren't adding value to it. Now is the time to remove the cancers from the root and enjoy life living in remission.

Blessings Peculiar Ones.