Wednesday, January 4, 2012

do as I say...not how they do.

Proverbs 25:21-22 (CEV) "If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat. And if they are thirsty, give them something to drink. This will be the same as piling burning coals on their heads. And the LORD will reward you."

How often do you let others opinions on what you should do, affect our judgement?  How many life decisions have you allowed others to influence?  When was the last time you did something simply because, it was the RIGHT thing to do?  When was the last time you prayed for someone who has wronged you?  Or do you continue the negativity to save face with others?

People will say and do lots of things for the sake of "being real."  The thought of losing their credibility in the "realness" catergory, for some, can be detrimental to their image.  Im sure that with very little effort, you can identify someone who purposely is negative and contributes it to "keepin it 100."  Somewhere down this journey of life, we will have contact and interaction with someone who will hurt us.  Rather it be intentional or accidental, its an inevitable and painful realization to deal with. 

While we can not control what OTHERS do, say, think, or feel; we can control OUR responses.  Typing from experience, this is SOOOOOO much easier said then done.  Be honest, we all have had to use that old, "Im gonna get you, for getting me...but worse" card, a time or two.  The thought of being degraded, disrespected, unappreciated, and misused and doing nothing about it; is a hard pill to swallow.  No one willingly wants to be the object of someone elses ridicule and torment; so we take the necessary steps to protect ourselves.  Little do we realize, the same thing we are use to protect the same thing that will cause harm.  Think about the last time you "proved your point" to someone.  Did you smile with pride on how you handled it? Or did you grimace in shame about your behavior?

After the harm has been done, now comes a period of redemption.  Not only do we have to orchestrate our grand "payback" scheme, but we have to decipher our friends, acquintances, or family's opinions about our actions.  Heaven forbid that someone who does not contribute ANY positivity in our life, think that we are weak. 


Acceptance from others and seeking revenge has become one of lifes BIGGEST downfalls.  No one wants to be known as a punk, so we choose to hurt those who hurt us.  No one wants to pray for God have mercy and grace for those that despise us, so we choose to take matters in our own hands. It has become socially acceptable to be rude, heartless, and cruel for the sake of "keeping it real." We have forgotten how Christ has instructed us to handle one another.  We have let the fear of being isolated and ridiculed force us into a cycle of negativity. 

*Point to Ponder*  Since it has become a societal norm to lack common courtesy, respect and dignity...why not do the opposite?  The old cliche is true that "hurting people, hurt people." Have you ever stopped to think who will be the person to show them that growth and healing are obtainable?  The next time someone purposely hurts you...take the time to ask God what is it in their life that causes them to act so negatively.  Take the energy they are using to produce madness to create a platform for Christ to reveal his love.  

You will never lose, if you follow His instructions  Being peculiar has its rewards. ;)

Blessings Weirdos!
K <3

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