Sunday, January 1, 2012

enter 2012: minus the insanity and cancer free.

A New Year is upon us, 2012 is here! New chances, new trials, new opportunities, new challenges, a reset button if you will, for this thing called Life. Around every December people the world over begin to make up cute little rhymes that serve as a mantra to follow for the next 365 days. You know the kind, "Ill Win, in 2010" or "Headed to Heaven, in 2011." This new year serves as no exception; someone, somewhere has their mantra on mental repeat in hopes that THIS year will be different.

It seems a bit odd for one to continue to make resolutions, but almost never succeed in making them a reality. The first time a challenge or road block rears its head, the tails tuck and the towels are thrown in. After that moment of setback, the proverbial domino effect soon follows. Before you know it, you are back to old habits, similar behaviors, and familiar negative thinking. Who would have thought that striving for positivity and productivity would be so difficult.

Einstein defined insanity as, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Isn't that what we do each and every December 31st in hopes that our new years resolution is not just another failed attempt? The question we must ask ourselves is, "what is keeping me from reaching whatever goals I set for my new year?!" Is there something or someone in our life that makes us relive this insanity each year? 

For the first time EVER in life, I decided that I wanted to write out my resolutions and make them visible.  I made 4 reasonable and seasonable goals for myself to accomplish over the next 363 days.  As I complete one goal, I have allowed myself permission to make more.  I know that in order to reach these goals it will take determination, positivity, and diligence. I also have to remember that transitions take time and its okay if one goal isn't reached over the next week. 

You cant make effective life changes without eliminating toxic people and behaviors from your life.  Take time over the next year to biopsy all the people and things in your life that aren't adding value to it. Now is the time to remove the cancers from the root and enjoy life living in remission.

Blessings Peculiar Ones.

1 comment:

  1. I was just about to add a point using Einstein's definition of insanity. Year after year I resolve to make no resolutions. I can change TODAY. Regardless of what day it is.
